
I’d always known I run the risk of going overboard when I am to talk about me. No wonder I need a blog to express myself, when even talking doesn’t suffice. And boy oh boy, can I talk!

So in a lame attempt to try and know what it is a totally neutral friend thinks about me, I asked him to come up with a few words to portray me. And this is what he came up with:

Struggling writer. Misplaced girl. Voracious music maniac. Accidental conversationalist. Natural friend. Paranoid fashionista. Hopeless giggler.

On asking him if by “accidental conversationalist” he means that I can only accidentally manage a good conversation, or that I can strike up a conversation in any accidental acquaintance, he gave me that evil grin and said “But that’s the beauty of using ambiguous words” Beat that, if you can.

Just recently I changed the “About You” in my Facebook profile. And just because I feel too lazy to come up with anything anew, here’s what it says. In my defense, I had put a lot of thought into that one!

Woman by age, child inside. Dreamer by day, insomniac by night. Word dabbler, music guzzler, chocolate worshiper. Gadget freak, mush lover. Assortment of contradictions, pile of opinions. And the whole heap of extreme emotions.

Two words. Leo inside.

Did I just catch a cloud and pin it down here?

This has to do till the next time I feel like writing about myself again 🙂

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